Inspiring Mother Series : Caroline Rossiter


Caroline, founder of akin and mom to Harry (3) and Ollie (1), offers insight into her intense identity-shift becoming a mom and her experience with postpartum anxiety. She also shares her go to practitioners, the inspiration for starting akin, and her true belief that we’re all stronger when we support each other.

Caroline, Harry and Ollie in navy and green sk mom + babe sets.

All photos by @sophiedhuij


What’s your current mood? How are you feeling and doing? 

Grateful. Hopeful. Happy. Exhausted. 

What is/what was your support system like when growing your family? How did you build your team?

After I found out I was pregnant, one of my best friends who then lived in Singapore sent me a list that included everything from morning sickness remedies, supplements, her favorite clothes, products, books, online resources, all the things. It was simple, straight to the point, and was one of my most referenced docs during those early days when everything just felt really new and overwhelming. 

I knew I wanted extra support through pregnancy and birth - so there I was, in my first trimester, googling doulas in San Francisco. After several interviews, I met with Britt Fohrman and Lauren Brown - and I’m forever grateful that I found them. I took a ton of classes and worked with several practitioners during my pregnancies and postpartum: Annemarie Everett and Alicia Willoughby for Pelvic PT, Eric Rubin for chiropractic, Courtney Reiman for acupuncture. Courtney and I became great friends and she’s also now co-founder of akin.

My favorite classes were weekly prenatal yoga classes, and monthly pregnancy meet ups at Britt’s house. I was so lucky (especially looking back from our current moment in time) to be able to go to so many in person classes and be around so many pregnant people. All of the energy, community, and knowledge helped me get so excited about birth. This whole journey is nothing short of remarkable - spiritual - our bodies are just… incredible. And building community during this time with people experiencing it together was just vital for me.

Honestly, so much of this support was why I was inspired to start akin, helping people find support in a time that marks a huge transformation. 


What has been the biggest struggle (or fear) for you on this journey? How did/are you working through it?

When you’re experiencing pregnancy for the first time - everything feels so unknown. The body changes are mind-blowing, and there is just so much to process and prepare for at every stage. Then comes birth and postpartum - and yeah. You, your life, your priorities, they’re just completely different. I just wasn’t prepared for such a huge shift. 

I struggled with postpartum anxiety and depression for almost a year and a half after Harry was born. I had decided to leave my job after my maternity leave was over - and it was around that time when I started working on akin (it was just an idea then). I felt a lot of discomfort with who I was now that I was also a mom. I realized that I defined myself so much by what I was accomplishing in my career, and it was a really important time for me to work through these issues and get comfortable (minus all the other stuff). I was really fortunate that I was able to do this because of my huband’s support.

On top of this my anxiety a lot of the time felt unbearable - I sometimes describe the feeling as wanting to crawl out of my own skin it felt so uncomfortable to be there. Night time was often the worst of it- waking up in the middle of the night, even when my son wasn’t. I feel so lucky that I was able to get the help I needed, and am incredibly passionate about reducing shame around getting help for mental health issues and making education and resources more accessible. 

Ultimately, that time was where I experienced a lot of growth. The shift from 1-2 babies was much easier for me mentally and emotionally…I knew much more about what I needed to feel supported, and got prepared mentally, emotionally, and physically for it to be really hard. I was also prepared to seek help if I needed it. It was stressful to have a baby in the height of the pandemic last year but I ultimately did so much better this time around. 


Do you have any daily tips or secrets that make the work/life/family juggle just a little bit more manageable? 

Life with two small children is not easy, and trying to work in a small apartment in SF during a pandemic makes day-to-day challenging. So many of our zoom meetings are with Ollie on our laps… 

Remembering that Michael and I are both on the same team (even though it’s hard to always keep that mindset) helps a lot. And, remembering to get out and get fresh air and time alone - even if it’s just 10 minutes - really makes a difference. 

What is something (or someone) you found indispensable during your pregnancy or postpartum period?

Michael. Made the majority of the meals, changed every diaper in the middle of the night, and has been my biggest advocate. He’s also been such a huge proponent and help for me launching akin. It hasn’t been easy - being across the coast from our families, financially, all the things. 

Oh- and Harry’s second-moms, Val and Amy. And weekly trips to Hook Fish Co. My happiest place. 


What is/was your favorite thing to wear during pregnancy/postpartum?

The Sister Katie set of course! I also lived in the Frances Hart poplin tunic. Honestly so many of my sweaters and dresses are oversized that most things kept working throughout pregnancy and postpartum so I tried to work with what I had instead of buying new. 

What is your self-care ritual (including any favorite products!) that you preserve for yourself?

Ok so the topic of self care is one that has been evolving for me so much, especially this year. Because really, it’s less about the things we do for ourselves and more about the way we go about our lives moment to moment. I’m really working on this - shout out to Rachel Root

Alongside that, I do (try) to get in regular acupuncture, and make it a priority to get outside and walk in the presidio at least once a day (plus if it’s with my bff and her son Jules). 

In terms of products, the Kristina Holey/Marie Veronique collaboration is my favorite. Kristina and Justine Wegner have been saviors for my skin (and overall health) from pre-babies to now, and I use Kristina’s products everyday. The Goop Shampoo is also a favorite - it’s so lathery good. And, Life Flo Magnesium Spray and Doterra essential oils (the roller balls). 


It is such a crazy time and so many parents are struggling now. Is there anything from this time that has surprised you or that you have benefited from? Any words of wisdom to share with our communities?

I am constantly amazed by the resilience of parents. The pressure on mothers this year, those who are trying to conceive, those who are pregnant in a pandemic, birthing in a pandemic, have lost a baby(ies). Those struggling with mental health issues. I see you and my heart is with you. Especially to my close friends who have faced unimaginable loss this past year.

I’d say my biggest piece of advice is don’t be afraid to ask for help. We all deserve to be supported along this incredible, sacred but also inexplicably challenging time. We need to continue to shift the conversation.

All I can say is that we are all stronger together. Until we all are supported in the ways we want and need on this journey, our collective work is not complete.


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