Posts in Virtual
NextGen Jane

Every single month during your period, your body is providing you with a natural biopsy when it sheds your endometrial lining. Using their Smart Tampon platform that serves as a sentinel system for your reproductive health, they hope to impact how you manage your health, from puberty to post-menopause. Can join in beta now.

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Irth is a "Yelp-like" review & rating app for hospitals & physicians made by and for Black women & birthing people of color. IRTH. AS IN BIRTH BUT WE DROPPED THE "B" FOR BIAS.

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The Renée

a platform that holds “jam sessions” across the country where women of color from all walks of life can come together, share their experiences, and “hack their pregnancies” in a space that is “joyful and inviting.” All of the rich data obtained from the sessions will eventually inform a tech resource for pregnant women.

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Sisters in Loss

Sisters in Loss is dedicated to replacing silence with storytelling around pregnancy and infant loss and infertility of black women. Sisters in Loss holds space to present loss and infertility stories in a resourceful culturally acceptable way to assure black women they are not alone on this journey.

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Health In Her Hue

Health In Her HUE is a digital platform that connects Black women to Black and culturally competent healthcare providers, and offers health information and content that centers Black women’s lived experiences. They strive to reduce racial health disparities by leveraging the power of technology, media and community to improve health outcomes for Black women.

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Live Candlelit

Live Candlelit is dedicated to making sure Black women and women of color are valued, seen and respected in healthcare. They’re focused on changing how women are screened, monitored and treated, especially when starting a family, to reduce their overall risk and symptoms of burnout, anxiety and depression through virtual consultations with licensed therapists.

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LOOM was created to empower people as they navigate their sexual and reproductive experiences. Originally based in LA, they’re getting ready to launch a new digital platform in the fall. Stay tuned. In the meantime, you can check out Erica Chidi’s online birth course, Nurture which is self-directed and downloadable.

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Modern Fertility

Modern Fertility is amazing for anyone trying to get more information on their fertility, even if you’re years from trying to have a baby. They provide at-home kits - and with a quick finger prick you can get insight into so much information. They also just launched ovulation kits and pregnancy tests.

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