Jaimi Brooks


Los Angeles Guide





Los Angeles, virtual


B.A. in Clinical Psychology from UCLA

M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy from Pepperdine University

Certification in Sex Therapy from The Center for Healthy Sex

Certification in Grief Therapy by Debi and Mark Frankle

Humanistic therapy, existential therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy



Specific Expertise

My area of expertise is women. I’ve worked almost exclusively with women for 20 years and I love helping them to know themselves and to learn what they need to live their best lives which often includes a lot of work around worthiness, perfection, boundaries, healing from familial baggage, anxiety, and knowing what they need.

Specifically though, a lot of my work is with new mothers who are navigating their way through the dramatic identity shift that motherhood is. I also do a lot of work with entrepreneurial women and we focus on where the personal meets the professional.

What drove you to this work?

I had a therapist when I was 9, my family life was really difficult as my mom went through a divorce from my aggressive step father. My therapist, Cynthia, helped me change the trajectory of my life. I saw her intermittently until I was in my early 20’s and I know that it’s because of my work with her that I was able to heal what was handed down to me from the generations before and to make choices that have allowed me to thrive in my life.

I wanted to do that for others and I am so honored to have the privilege of doing this work. There’s no better way that I could be spending my days than having real and meaningful connections with my clients that support them in thriving as well.

What inspires your work?

I’m constantly learning and expanding the tools I have to use in my work. As I evolve, I’m able to help others to do the same. It’s an ongoing process that is always interesting and always exciting (even when it’s hard).

Also, I’m so inspired by all the women around me...those who create things, who keep growing and changing, who take risks, and continue to show up for themselves and their communities. My clients, my friends, mamas, and fellow entrepreneurs and community builders.

Self-Care ritual?

I need alone time to fill myself back up.  I don’t think of myself as an introvert but since my days are filled with a whole bunch of connection and talking, I need some time to just think my thoughts and enjoy the quiet. 

Reading is also self care for me. It centers, calms, and grounds me.

After I had my babies (I have twins), I started strength training which has been really amazing in reconnecting me to my body in this new version of myself.  I’m surprised to say that I really enjoy it now. 

What are you watching/listening to/reading right now?

I have a few books in rotation right now...Tiny, Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed, Emotional Agility by Susan David, Ph.d., and The Midnight Library. I recently finished the show Ted Lasso on Apple and it was the best thing I watched this whole past year...light-hearted, emotionally complex, and very very human. I will for sure watch it again soon!