Akin is essential, personalized, evidence-based care complementary to your OBGYN or Midwife. Our core team includes acupuncture, mental health, pelvic floor physical therapy, nutrition, infant feeding, and doula care.

Miscarriage & Late Loss

The pain of loss is deep, often mixed with anger, confusion, and hopelessness. It can feel like more than the loss of a child — it may also represent the abrupt loss of a dream, of faith, of an identity. What once was a feeling of abundance can suddenly leave one feeling broken, and hollow inside. 

Whether you are building up strength and resilience to try again or looking to find peace in a reality you never intended, we hope you will find solace in the stories, this community and the resources shared here. Let’s make more space to share and honor this collective grief, and to discover ways to come back feeling stronger, in community and with purpose. Wherever you are in your journey, your story does not end here.

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Learn more from our Akin team on how a collaborative care model is vital for loss.


Build Your Support System

